Extracts Taily statistics from the index and stores it in a file.
Usage: ../../../build/bin/taily-stats [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-w,--wand TEXT REQUIRED WAND data filename
--compressed-wand Needs: --wand
Compressed WAND data file
-s,--scorer TEXT REQUIRED Scorer function
--bm25-k1 FLOAT Needs: --scorer
BM25 k1 parameter.
--bm25-b FLOAT Needs: --scorer
BM25 b parameter.
--pl2-c FLOAT Needs: --scorer
PL2 c parameter.
--qld-mu FLOAT Needs: --scorer
QLD mu parameter.
-L,--log-level TEXT:{critical,debug,err,info,off,trace,warn} [info]
Log level
-c,--collection TEXT REQUIRED
Binary collection basename
-o,--output TEXT REQUIRED Output file path
--config Configuration .ini file