

Computes intersections of posting lists.
Usage: ../../../build/bin/compute_intersection [OPTIONS]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -e,--encoding TEXT REQUIRED Index encoding
  -i,--index TEXT REQUIRED    Inverted index filename
  -w,--wand TEXT REQUIRED     WAND data filename
  --compressed-wand Needs: --wand
                              Compressed WAND data file
  --tokenizer TEXT:{english,whitespace} [english] 
  -H,--html                   Strip HTML
  -F,--token-filters TEXT:{krovetz,lowercase,porter2} ...
                              Token filters
  --stopwords TEXT            Path to file containing a list of stop words to filter out
  -q,--queries TEXT           Path to file with queries
  --terms TEXT                Term lexicon
  --weighted                  Weights scores by query frequency
  -L,--log-level TEXT:{critical,debug,err,info,off,trace,warn} [info] 
                              Log level
  --config                    Configuration .ini file
  --combinations              Compute intersections for combinations of terms in query
  --max-term-count,--mtc UINT Needs: --combinations
                              Max number of terms when computing combinations
  --min-query-len UINT        Minimum query length
  --max-query-len UINT        Maximum query length
  --header                    Write TSV header


Computes an intersection of posting lists given by the input queries.

It takes a file with queries and outputs the documents in the intersection of the posting lists. See queries for more details on the input parameters.