parse_collection - parse collection and store as forward index.
Usage: ../../../build/bin/parse_collection [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-L,--log-level TEXT:{critical,debug,err,info,off,trace,warn} [info]
Log level
-j,--threads UINT Number of threads
--tokenizer TEXT:{english,whitespace} [english]
-H,--html Strip HTML
-F,--token-filters TEXT:{krovetz,lowercase,porter2} ...
Token filters
--stopwords TEXT Path to file containing a list of stop words to filter out
--config Configuration .ini file
-o,--output TEXT REQUIRED Forward index filename
-b,--batch-size INT [100000]
Number of documents to process in one thread
-f,--format TEXT [plaintext]
Input format
merge Merge previously produced batch files. When parsing process was killed during merging, use this command to finish merging without having to restart building batches.