Reads binary collection to stdout.
Usage: ../../../build/bin/read_collection [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-L,--log-level TEXT:{critical,debug,err,info,off,trace,warn} [info]
Log level
--config Configuration .ini file
-c,--collection TEXT REQUIRED
Collection file path.
--maptext TEXT Excludes: --maplex
ID to string mapping in text file format. Line n is the string associated with ID n. E.g., if used to read a document from a forward index, this would be the `.terms` file, which maps term IDs to their string reperesentations.
--maplex TEXT Excludes: --maptext
ID to string mapping in lexicon binary file format. E.g., if used to read a document from a forward index, this would be the `.termlex` file, which maps term IDs to their string reperesentations.
entry Reads single entry.
range Reads a range of entries.