Retrieves query results in TREC format.
Usage: ../../../build/bin/evaluate_queries [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-e,--encoding TEXT REQUIRED Index encoding
-i,--index TEXT REQUIRED Inverted index filename
-w,--wand TEXT REQUIRED WAND data filename
--compressed-wand Needs: --wand
Compressed WAND data file
--tokenizer TEXT:{english,whitespace} [english]
-H,--html Strip HTML
-F,--token-filters TEXT:{krovetz,lowercase,porter2} ...
Token filters
--stopwords TEXT Path to file containing a list of stop words to filter out
-q,--queries TEXT Path to file with queries
--terms TEXT Term lexicon
--weighted Weights scores by query frequency
-k INT REQUIRED The number of top results to return
-a,--algorithm TEXT REQUIRED
Query processing algorithm
-s,--scorer TEXT REQUIRED Scorer function
--bm25-k1 FLOAT Needs: --scorer
BM25 k1 parameter.
--bm25-b FLOAT Needs: --scorer
BM25 b parameter.
--pl2-c FLOAT Needs: --scorer
PL2 c parameter.
--qld-mu FLOAT Needs: --scorer
QLD mu parameter.
-T,--thresholds TEXT File containing query thresholds
-j,--threads UINT Number of threads
-L,--log-level TEXT:{critical,debug,err,info,off,trace,warn} [info]
Log level
--config Configuration .ini file
-r,--run TEXT Run identifier
--documents TEXT REQUIRED Document lexicon
--quantized Quantized scores
Returns results for the given queries. The results are printed in the
TREC format. See queries
for detailed description of
the input parameters.
To print out the string identifiers of the documents (titles), you must
provide the document lexicon with --documents